Friday, November 30, 2007

Skip Day, VLCD Day 40

Start of Phase 1: 10-20-07
Start Weight: 288.5
Today's Weight: 241.4
Overnight Loss: 2.2
Total Losses: -47.1

Yesssss. That is awesome. Thanks for all the vibes you ladies are sending me. It seems to be working. lol. I have been eating chicken breast and tomatoes all week and lookie here. I wonder if that little cheat I did jumped started things because it has been a successful week thus far. I just hope to keep going in the right direction. Even if it did I will hold off until I am done to partake of another piece of heaven.

I have been reading all the blogs on Biz's page and see many people having a hard time drinking water. I am not sure what advice I could give you on this to have you increase your water intake but I will share with you my daily routine. I come to work and head straight for the cafeteria and fill up a 50 oz bottle of water, a 32 oz cup of ice water and a 20 oz cup of hot water for tea. I sip on the cup of water first to quench whatever thirsts may be present and then sip on the tea until done. The hot tea then warms me up to where I need water to cool off. I then pour the bottle water in the the cup and then sip on that until it is done. I keep refilling the cup so not be intimidated by the large bottle. I do this in the afternoon as well minus the hot tea. I don't know if that will help you keep your mind off of the water but it works for me and I get about 200 oz of water per day. This really aids in getting the fat stores ready to burst and makes going to the bathroom easier.

On the ordering of the HCG, I tried to order from the site but they require a minimum 200 dollar order and will not process less than that. Oh well. I did however placed my order with DD and had a 15 dollar coupon code (test15) which brought my total to 69.98. I am not sure if that coupon is one time use but give it a try to see what happens.

That's all for now...


Amy's Blog said...

Another huge drop! You are sooo close to 50! Woo HOO. That is fascinating about the 200 oz of water. I will shoot for 200 oz water today!

BizBuzz said...

WOW! Don't you hold your breath, I will do it for you! LOL

Thanks for the thoughts on drinking water. Water has always been easy for me to drink so that isn't an issue.

So I am curious, what are people saying to you at work? Are the curious as to what your doing?