Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Injection 28, VLCD Day 30

Start of Phase 1: 10-20-07
Start Weight: 288.5
Today's Weight: 249
Overnight Loss: 1.6
Total Losses: -39.5

Well the body does it again and drops 1.6lbs. I have finally broken the 250 mark and close to the 40lb milestone. My hope is that tomorrow will produce that milestone achievement. If things can continue without a stall I think my next challenge will be at 235. Like I said I am not really going to sweat the increases or short stalls because there will be an automatic correction.

Thanks to you all for responding to my concern yesterday. I have now accepted that there is fluctuation with this protocol even if you try your best to follow it to a T. It is the little things that you don't think will impact your progress that get you every time. I don't know if I have had any impact with preparing my meats like some folks have. I, like CB, don't want to use gloves to apply lotions and Vaseline to my little boys. I too wonder what they would think. The other thing is my hands get dry to its also a relief as the mineral oil only does so much.

Tonight I am off to New York to visit with my sister. I have packed everything I need to be prepared for this trip including most of the foods. I should have enough to last until I leave on Sunday. I already explained to her that I will not partake of any tempting treats while there and will be eating only what I bring or cook while there. It should be a challenge but will not give in. I was there in September so hopefully she will see my loss and get on board as she needs to lose some too. I will work on her.

Talk to you all tomorrow.

That's all for now...


beachbrights said...

Can I say, "I told you so"? Ha, I just did! Great Loss!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

beachbrights said...

FYI: Check that mineral oil. I thought KT book said NOT to use mineral oil? I could be confused but I think I specifically looked this up????

cherylk said...

Hey Winston, I just stumbled across your blog.. you're doing amazing! Wow, you must be so proud!!

I read your post yesterday, too. Vaseline won't cause you to gain for sure.. it's just petroleum (I use it on my hands and face) and if you're worried about the Jergens, could you switch to Johnson's baby lotion? I remember Elaine saying that it's main ingredient was mineral oil, and that it wouldn't hurt! Just a thought.. You sound like a great dad :)

Burcu J said...

Congrats on a loss. Enjoy the trip. Be carefull with delicious treats :)

Amy's Blog said...

Congratulations on your fantastic success, & I hope you have a wonderful time at your sisters.

BizBuzz said...

Have a great trip! It's so nice to see you not stressing about the fluxes this protocol takes. It happens!

Just a thought about mineral oil? It was told to me that the molecules of the oil are way too big to pass thru skin so it's fine to use. I don't know why KT says not to use it. I will have to do some research on it.

Free me from Fat Jail said...

Thanks for the responses. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving.