Monday, November 26, 2007

Injection 33, VLCD Day 36

Start of Phase 1: 10-20-07
Start Weight: 288.5
Today's Weight: 246.4
Overnight Loss: 0
Total Losses: -42.1

The good thing is I didn't gain anything from my small cheating yesterday. I actually lasted 5 complete weeks without even being tempted, which makes me proud.

I made it back home safely last night and feel back on track thus far. I did stick to it while in NY but there is a certain level of comfort when you are back home. Maybe its just me but we will see how I do from here until the end of the round.

That's all for now...


BizBuzz said...

Winston, I am so happy to see the scale was not your enemy this morning! Congrats on being back on track and sticking to plan even while on vacation, good for you!

Amy's Blog said...

Having zero gain is excellent when you've strayed from the protocol. And you're blessed that you haven't felt tempted because not everyone feels that way. I'm impressed that you could feed your kids foods that you would not eat! Usually I do OK as long as goodies aren't staring me in the face.

cherylk said...

Hi Winston! I think it's awesome that your little "cheat" didn't hurt you! And props for leaving it at one small piece! I think once I started eating it, I'd justify eating more hehe.

And not cheating at all for 5 weeks is really something to be proud of. There are so many temptations in day-to-day life.

I think you will do better back in your comfort zone. I think we are all creatures of habit. You've done great so far!