Sunday, January 13, 2008

R2P2 Injection 7, VLCD Day 6

Start of R2P1: 1-05-08
Start Weight: 238.2
Today's Weight: 226.4
Overnight GAIN: .6
Total Losses: -11.8

Whoa....where did that come from? I guess my theory on foods is wrong. Its funny how I always say I am not going to try to figure this out and each time something good or bad happens I try to figure it out. Well I have to not worry about it and accept it as maybe a set point that my body may be used to. No worries though.

That's all for now...


beachbrights said...

You have lost so much over the past couple of days, I think your body is trying to recover a little. I'm sure that .6 (& much more) will be gone tomorrow!

Don't ya just hate gains, Ha?!!?

Check ya later-

BizBuzz said...

Recover is the key, you lost a significant amount and your body is playing catch up.

No worries, good for you!