Friday, January 18, 2008

R2P2 Injection 12, VLCD Day 11

Start of R2P1: 1-05-08
Start Weight: 238.2
Today's Weight: 224.4
Overnight GAIN: .4
Total Losses: -13.8

You ever just didn't want to post due to the results? Well that's how I have been feeling all day but I have to be true to the records and take the good with the bad. I have stopped eating the large apples and will be eating strawberries for dinner fruit to kinda shake things up.

Congratulations to all of you LOSERS out there. Keep up the good work and I hope to be out of the red weight tomorrow.

That's all for now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Winston, I have no doubt you will show a huge loss tomorrow!

By the way I haven't seen any e-mail from you yet, if you haven't had a chance, could you shoot me one at I'd like to talk about your menu. Thanks!
