Thursday, January 10, 2008

R2P2 Injection 5, VLCD Day 3

Start of R2P1: 1-05-08
Start Weight: 238.2
Today's Weight: 228.8
Overnight Loss: 1.4
Total Losses: -9.4

Another successful loss.

I have my friend on board starting this morning. She was nervous to take the shot but now its smooth sailing. She has no hunger at all but I am encouraging her to load properly so she has no hunger during VLCD. There are still a couple friends who are considering starting but remain apprehensive. When the time is right I am sure they will be on board.

My friend and her brother finished their first half 0f the 40 days and you can surely tell they are dropping. Their pants are falling off and they may need to get some temporary pants until they hit their goal weight. Its going to be a great summer for us all.

That's all for now...


Burcu J said...

Another good loss for you.. Congrats on your friends also. I get excited when I hear more people coming on board. :)

BizBuzz said...

What the pupil is ready the teacher will appear.

WOO HOO on another AWESOME loss!!!