Sunday, January 20, 2008

R2P2 Injection 13, VLCD Day 13

Start of R2P1: 1-05-08
Start Weight: 238.2
Today's Weight: 222.2
Overnight Loss: 1.0
Total Losses: -16

Another one bites the dust...I am just longing for the teens and hope to get there by Wednesday, if not sooner. I got a lot of compliments and urgings to not lose more weight but only I know where I want to be so I say thanks and keep forging ahead. It would be ideal for me to have all the abnormal fat removed by the end of this round but don't know if that is going to happen. I may have to day a 23 shot round after my P3. We will see. though as it is a little early to worry about that.

Biz - I did not exercising and that may have corrected the issue. This is the first plan I have been on where exercise causes a negative affect.

B - Thanks for the kudos.

Marshall - I shot you an email this morning. I hope it helps. Hang in there.

That's all for now...


BizBuzz said...

You will see those two teens very soon, the rate your going! WOO HOO FOR YOU!

Becca said...

Hi Winston, just stopping by to see how you're doing. I know what you mean about people telling me not to lose more. That's happening more often to me lately. But remember that post someone put up about the "last 1 lb"? Where nobody ever bothered to lose it so it was happy to be left alone. Very cute post on the HCG2 group.

Burcu J said...

You are still doing great. You will be in teens in no time.. I just came down to teens and it felt great.
Keep up the good work :)