Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Injection 41, VLCD Day 45

Start of Phase 1: 10-20-07
Start Weight: 288.5
Today's Weight: 238.4
Overnight Loss: .2
Total Losses: -50.3

Every little bit counts so I will take the .2 and run with it. lol.

I have been full for the past couple days and have to almost force myself to eat to get the 500 calories. The water keeps me motivated because I know once those fat cells fill up they will will leave my system for good. I keep looking forward to the next major drop and the flush that comes with it.

I have to confess that I started weighing my food after cooking it. I am not sure if that will cause any issues. Since I grilled the fish I am not certain if the 100 grams is too much. When you put your food choices into Fitday the calories are not always correct unless they have uncooked as the choice. When I weighed the food with the 100g after cooking it it would be about 85 to 90g so not sure how that impacts the loss. Let me know your thoughts on this.

That's all for now...


cherylk said...

Hey Winston!

I've been away for a few days, so I didn't get a chance to read your blog the day you hit 50 lbs!!! That's FANTASTIC!! You must be so happy!

You're a guy.. so I don't know how weighing your protein after you cook it will affect you, but it does lose a fair bit of weight in the cooking process (depending on how you cook it). If you are finding that you aren't satisfied with your losses, you could try going back to weighing it raw, and see if that helps! Are you almost done?

Free me from Fat Jail said...

thanks cheyrl. i may just stick with it until I am done this round. There are about 6 more shots left. I do have another round to go and hope to be at 195.

BizBuzz said...

If this is the way you have been doing it and it hasn't affected your loss, then I wouldn't worry. It's time to get back to the basics when you stall. KWIM?