Thursday, February 21, 2008

R2P2 Injection 41, VLCD Day 45

Start of R2P1: 1-05-08
Start Weight: 238.2
Today's Weight: 202.6
Overnight Loss: .8
Total R2P2 Losses: -35.6
Total Protocol Losses: -86.1

I really love that almost full pounder as it helps get me to my goal weight. I am wondering if I will hit the mark since I dont have but 10 days left. Keep your fingers crossed for me to get that 195 magic.

I actually ate oranges for the last 2 days and was nervous as ever because I thought they were loaded with sugar. I know they are allowed but was fearful of the impact and I must say they didnt cause any issues so I can enjoy them without worry. I had strawberries last night and was also nervous about them as I thought they slowed me down earlier. I guess not.

There is not much going on here so...

That's all for now...

1 comment:

Ed & Jennifer said...

Winston you sound like me! I somehow got the impression that oranges had more sugar too and we're still only eating half but ya know what? I think we deserve a whole especially now seeing your lost 1 lb...NICE!
Isn’t it strange we talk ourselves out of “allowed foods?”

We have faith in ya...we are going to try to hold out as long as possible too! WE CAN ALL DO IT!