Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Gain problem, mon

LIW Weight: 196.0
Today's Weight: 214.0
+/- LIW weight: +18

Let me first say the gain was well worth it but still a bit shocking in a one week span. I knew it was going to happen and I could not resist my mother's cooking and the bun and cheese, fruitcake, dumplings, festival. All the things that make going home a wonderful experience. I will work deligently to get back to LIW before the end of P3 by eating all protein and having a few steak days in between the eating. If you have any other suggestions on getting this removed, let me know.

The trip was dynamite except for the fact they lost my luggage and when I finally got it back about 4 days later they had stolen more than half of my clothing. That was the only downside to the entire break. Thank God I was rightsized because all my brothers wear 36W and large shirts so clothing wasnt any problem. I guess it was just the inconvenience and now having to file paperwork to get reimbursed for the items stolen. All the stuff in my bag were new of course so they made out like a bandit.

When I came out the airport and approached my brother he did not know who I was and almost jumped back. He was wondering what happened to the rest of me. lol. My mother, brothers and sister were all shocked to see me and that felt really good. Then all the other family and friends that saw me last year were in disbelief that I was the same person at this time last year. Man, it feels so good to be almost slim. I do have a ways to go with getting all the fat off and especially after gaining this week am looking forward to my last round of P2.

The weather was fantabulous with the warm breeze blowing throughout the day and even a little cool in the evening. The beaches in Negril, Montego Bay and Ocho Rios were beautiful and clear. I jumped off of a ten story cliff into the sea, swam in Negril beach, climbed Duns River Falls and ate like a king. The night activities were eventful with the night ending well into the morning hours. This was by far the best time I had hanging with my family.

I have to get updates from you crew today and now have my family looking to start HCG to get all the abnormal fat removed from their bodies as well. I will keep you posted.

That's all for now...

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